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trainer profiles

Ernest W. Adams

Constanze Bausch

Steve Bürk

Steffen Knop

Klaus Kober

Klaas Kuitenbrouwer

Rainer Kürvers

Raimo Lang

Simon Lovind

Dick Rijken

Inga von Staden

Florian Thalhofer

Michael Valeur

Teut Weidemann

Klaas Kuitenbrouwer


Databased Narrative (Lecture and Demonstration) and The Korsakov System (Exercise)
Module 2

Curriculum Vitae

Klaas Kuitenbrouwer studied Contemporary History at the University of Utrecht, but first became an artist. He mainly made interactive theatrical installations, (The Oracle of Found Objects, O-Morf a.o.) and performed with live procedural music and texts.

Since 1994 he made radioprogrammes for local and national broadcast organisations. (a.o. Radio 100, the VPRO and Teleac). From 1995 till 1997 he organised and curated performance-events in the SILO gallery in Amsterdam. and worked as a theatre technician for several theatregroups.

Since the beginning of 1999 he is teaching on the application of interactive concepts in different media. He programs and teaches in the workshopseries Designing Behaviour for Mediamatic Foundation in Amsterdam, and he organizes and teaches in the Interactive Narration workshops that Mediamatic runs in the context of cultural festvials throughout Europe.

In 2000 he became chairman of Nairobits Foundation, that set up a school in webdesign and new media applications in Nairobi, Kenya.

Mr. Kuitenbrouwer is advising several cultural organisations in Holland on new media and teaching programmes and lectures and teaches at universties and art academies in Holland and Germany on different aspects of interactive media.

Since 2001 he is member of improvised music collective Oorbeek, that performs thoughout the Netherlands.


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